
OpenQASM 3: A Broader and Deeper Quantum Assembly Language

Quantum assembly languages are machine-independent languages that traditionally describe quantum computation in the circuit model. Open quantum assembly language (OpenQASM 2) was proposed as an imperative programming language for quantum circuits …

Verified translation between low-level quantum languages

We describe the ongoing development of a verified translator between OpenQASM (Open Quantum Assembly Language) and sqir, a Small Quantum Intermediate Representation used for circuit optimization. Verified translation from and to OpenQASM will allow …

Sized Types for Low-Level Quantum Metaprogramming

One of the most fundamental aspects of quantum circuit design is the concept of families of circuits parametrized by an instance size. As in classical programming, metaprogramming allows the programmer to write entire families of circuits …

Open Quantum Assembly Language

This document describes a quantum assembly language (QASM) called OpenQASM that is used to implement experiments with low depth quantum circuits. OpenQASM represents universal physical circuits over the CNOT plus SU(2) basis with straight-line code …