
Welcome to Quantum Programming Languages & Verification Bibliography (aka qpl-bib). The goal of this site is to provide the quantum PL and verification community with canonical bibliographic entries that we can easily import in our papers. The emphasis is on:

  1. correct data for all bib entries and each of their fields;
  2. being comprehensive in including all relevant metadata;
  3. providing URLs to expanded versions and/or legal copies (such as author copy, arXiv preprints, etc.) for non-open access publications; and
  4. being easily navigable and searchable on the web interface.

This project was started by Kartik, a PhD student in Quantum PL, while attending his advisor Robert Rand’s seminar on the subject in Spring 2021. Contributions from the community are most welcome. See our contributing guide.

Other resources:

We hope you find this community resource useful. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact Kartik.

The site icon is quantum computer by lastspark from the Noun Project.