Welcome to Quantum Programming Languages & Verification Bibliography.
Our goal is to provide canonical bibentries in BibTeX and BibLaTeX formats.
Please see the Contributing Guide or use this form if you would like to add/correct any entries.
Cite DOI
Cite DOI arXiv URL
Project Name Pronounced as IQu haiku LIQ$Ui|\rangle$ liquid OpenQASM open chasm PLanQC plank / Planck PyQuil pie-quill PyZX pizzix (like physics) Q# Q-Sharp QASM chasm Qbricks Q-bricks / Kubrick’s Qiskit kiss-kit AND quiss-kit1 Quil quill QWIRE choir Silq silk SQIR squire t$|$ket$\rangle$ ticket VOQC vox ZX zed ex Bonus: Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang’s classic textbook Quantum Computation and Quantum Information is affectionately known as Mike and Ike.
Since the last news item in July, there have been several visual and usability improvements to this QPL Bib. I list the major ones here: The menu bar of the site includes several new pages: an About page two indices: Authors sorted alphabetically Keywords/Tags sorted by both usage and alphabetically two other renderings of the same bibliography: Retro (generated by bibtex2html) BibBase We now have a tag cloud at the bottom of the home page.
During our last weekly meeting, Robert and I came up with the idea of presenting the QPL bibliography that I have been maintaining at http://ks.cs.uchicago.edu/qpl-bib/ in a better way. So I decided to move the GitHub repo to its own organization and set up this Hugo-based website to present publications with many filtering options.